This piece can be worn as a necklace or wrapped around the wrist and worn as a bracelet. It works like the other disc bracelets and necklaces - the discs can be torn off or unbuckle the clasp and slide them off and plant them - but uses smaller disc
Disc Necklace/Bracelet - Twig and Leaf
 This bracelet is made of stacked handmade paper discs embedded with clover and pollinator-friendly flower seeds. The discs can be torn off and planted as you go about your day, elevating the bracelet from just a bracelet to a seed dispersal accessor
 The beads on this bracelet are tiny seed bombs in disguise. Unlike traditional seed bombs that are made of unfired clay, these are made of paper and allow you to wear it without getting dirty. They are also very light and durable and can even get a
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